Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2009, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (7): 1544-1546,1576.

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Improved Toep-MUSIC algorithm for high resolution processing of spatial coherent signal sources

HAN Yong, QIAO Xiao-lin, JIN Ming, CAO Bing-xia   

  1. Harbin Inst. of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
  • Received:2008-06-11 Revised:2008-12-02 Online:2009-07-20 Published:2010-01-03

Abstract: An improved Toeplitz multiple signal classification(Toep-MUSIC) algorithm is proposed according to the problem that the resolution of direction-ofarrival(DOA) estimation for space sources decreases with the increase of the correlation when the sources are coherent.Correlation and signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) of the space sources can affect the resolution of DOA estimation of subspace algorithms.Using this relation,the algorithm changes the correlation and SNR of the equivalent sources by processing the Toeplitz matrix based on the Toep-MUSIC algorithm,so that the resolution of DOA estimation can be improved.The principle of the algorithm is given,and the effectiveness is verified by simulation experiments.

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