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Whole attitude to find north based on wavelet  denoising and total least squares

GUO Xiao-song, ZHANG Dong-fang, XUE Hai-jian, ZHOU Zhao-fa   

  1. State Key Discipline Laboratory of Armament Launch Theory and Technology,the Second Artillery Engineering University, Xi’an 710025, China
  • Online:2016-01-30 Published:2010-01-03


To improve the precision of north finder under the dynamic interference and solve the problem of northseeking that need artificial leveling and timeconsuming issue, combined with the multi-position find north model, north algorithm combination is adopted by using wavelet denoising processing gyro output signal and total least squares filtering method.In view of the limitation of hard and soft threshold denoising function, the improved threshold function can better filtrate dynamical interference.According to characteristics of multi-position north finder, static error is effectively compensated by introducing total least squares to find north.The results of simulations and datum of experiments show that the combination algorithm can significantly improve the anti-interference ability of north finder, and realize high precision seeking north in whole attitude.

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