Systems Engineering and Electronics
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SHAN Ganlin, ZHANG Zining
A non-myopic scheduling problem of how to intelligently and dynamically select active/passive sensors in a single platform for target tracking is studied. The goal is to develop a nonmyopic scheme to make an optimal tradeoff between the tracking accuracy and the radiation risk in a period of time. The problem is formulated as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) to solve target tracking and emission control together. The cubature sampling is proposed to evaluate the longterm accuracy reward, and the longterm radiation cost is derived from the hidden Markov model filter. The original problem is transformed into a decision tree and solved using the branch and bound method. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheduling approach.
SHAN Ganlin, ZHANG Zining. Non-myopic sensor scheduling in a single platform for target tracking[J]. Systems Engineering and Electronics.
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