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Effective anti-chaff jamming method for anti-ship wideband coherent radar

LIU Bo, CHANG Wenge   

  1. (College of Electronic Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China)
  • Online:2014-03-24 Published:2010-01-03


An effective anti-chaff jamming method for wideband linear frequency modulation (LFM) pulse Doppler radar which is used for anti-ship terminal guidance is presented. First, the echo model of the missileborne wideband coherent LFM pulses radar is built and the rangeDoppler two-dimensional profile of the target is derived. Then the differences between the echoes of a target ship and chaff jamming are analyzed. As a result, two characteristic indexes based on the two-dimensional profile are proposed to distinguish a target ship and chaff jamming. Furthermore, in view of the application environment and the differences between the echoes of the target and the chaff jamming, the judgment principle is designed and the flow chart of the anti-chaff algorithm is presented. Finally, the performance of the anti-chaff jamming method is assessed by the processing result of the measured data.

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