系统工程与电子技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (8): 2592-2599.doi: 10.12305/j.issn.1001-506X.2024.08.07

• 电子技术 • 上一篇    


邓杏松1,2, 亓亮1,2,*, 朱元江2,3, 杨帆2, 蒋智辰2, 刘志永2   

  1. 1. 南京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院, 江苏 南京 210016
    2. 中国船舶集团有限公司第七二三研究所, 江苏 扬州 225101
    3. 东南大学信息科学与工程学院, 江苏 南京 210096
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-22 出版日期:2024-07-25 发布日期:2024-08-07
  • 通讯作者: 亓亮
  • 作者简介:邓杏松 (1982—), 男, 研究员, 博士研究生, 主要研究方向为电子对抗系统设计
    亓亮 (1990—), 男, 高级工程师, 博士研究生, 主要研究方向为电子对抗信号处理
    朱元江 (1985—), 男, 研究员, 博士研究生, 主要研究方向为电子对抗系统设计
    杨帆 (1964—), 男, 研究员, 硕士, 主要研究方向为电子有源干扰
    蒋智辰 (1988—), 男, 高级工程师, 硕士, 主要研究方向为电子对抗系统设计
    刘志永 (1997—), 男, 助理工程师, 硕士, 主要研究方向为电子侦察

Positioning method using time difference measurements from multi-station based on precise distance information of observation stations

Xingsong DEND1,2, Liang QI1,2,*, Yuanjiang ZHU2,3, Fan YANG2, Zhichen JIANG2, Zhiyong LIU2   

  1. 1. School of Electronic Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
    2. No.723 Institute of China State Shipbuilding Corporation Limited, Yangzhou 225101, China
    3. School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
  • Received:2023-07-22 Online:2024-07-25 Published:2024-08-07
  • Contact: Liang QI


对于空中机动平台, 观测站位置误差的存在, 使得传统时差定位方法的精度不能满足高精度定位需求。针对观测站位置误差下的多站时差定位问题, 提出一种基于观测站精确距离信息的高精度时差定位方法。不同于传统的两步加权最小二乘(two step weighted least squares, TS-WLS)算法, 该算法在加权最小二乘时直接对目标位置估计的误差进行估计, 避免了开方、平方等非线性运算。仿真实验结果表明, 引入观测站精确距离信息能够大幅提升目标定位精度, 所提算法具有较强的噪声适应能力, 能够在观测站位置误差较大的情况下实现高精度时差定位。

关键词: 到达时差, 两步加权最小二乘, 泰勒级数展开, 伪线性方程


For aerial maneuvering platforms, the presence of observation stations position errors makes the positioning accuracy of traditional time difference positioning methods unable to meet the high-precision positioning requirements. In view of the problem of multi-station time difference positioning with observation stations position errors, a high-precision time difference positioning method based on precise distance information of observation stations is proposed. Unlike the traditional two step weighted least squares (TS-WLS) algorithm, the proposed algorithm directly estimates the error of target position estimation in weighted least squares step, avoiding nonlinear operations such as square and square root. Simulation experiment results show that introducing precise distance information from observation stations can significantly improve the accuracy of target positioning and the proposed algorithm has strong noise adaptability and can achieve high-precision time difference positioning in the case of large observation station position errors.

Key words: time difference of arrival (TDOA), two step weighted least squares (TS-WLS), Taylor series expansion, pseudo-linear equation
