系统工程与电子技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 534-548.doi: 10.12305/j.issn.1001-506X.2024.02.18
• 系统工程 • 上一篇
董梦如1, 王国新1, 鲁金直2,*, 马君达1, 阎艳1
董梦如(1999—), 女, 硕士研究生, 主要研究方向为基于模型的系统工程Mengru DONG1, Guoxin WANG1, Jinzhi LU2,*, Junda MA1, Yan YAN1
Jinzhi LU
基于IEEE及国际系统工程协会(International Council on Systems Engineering, INCOSE)社区会刊, 提取与基于模型的系统工程(model based systems engineering, MBSE)领域相关的167篇顶刊的关键词和摘要。采用Python及其第三方库WordCloud技术, 以可视化形式展示MBSE领域研究内容并对MBSE发展态势进行研究。研究结果表明, MBSE在产品研发全生命周期, 应用建模技术来支持系统需求、设计、分析、验证与确认等活动, 在系统架构设计方面具有重要作用, 将MBSE与安全性分析、可靠性分析方法结合也是MBSE的重要研究内容; 系统建模语言(system modeling language, SysML)和对象过程方法(object process method, OPM)分别是目前MBSE研究领域中最受欢迎的建模语言和建模方法; 将MBSE方法与本体进行结合是规范MBSE模型表达的重要手段, 将MBSE与信息物理系统、数字孪生、并行工程领域进行融合研究是MBSE的重要发展方向。所提研究为使用WordCloud文本分析技术来探索当前的MBSE研究提供了技术路线参考, 有助于对MBSE的未来发展态势进行预测。
董梦如, 王国新, 鲁金直, 马君达, 阎艳. 基于WordCloud技术的MBSE发展态势研究[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2024, 46(2): 534-548.
Mengru DONG, Guoxin WANG, Jinzhi LU, Junda MA, Yan YAN. Research on the development trend of MBSE based on WordCloud technology[J]. Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2024, 46(2): 534-548.
《IEEE Transactions》会刊分类与对应的MBSE文献数量"
会刊名称 | 文献数量 |
《IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation》 | 1 |
《IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering》 | 2 |
《IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems》 | 1 |
《IEEE Transactions on Computers》 | 1 |
《IEEE Transactions on Education》 | 2 |
《IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management》 | 10 |
《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics》 | 3 |
《IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》 | 1 |
《IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering》 | 1 |
《IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science》 | 3 |
《IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication》 | 1 |
《IEEE Transactions on Reliability》 | 2 |
《IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering》 | 4 |
《IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems》 | 7 |
《IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews)》 | 2 |
《IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification》 | 1 |
《IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology》 | 1 |
《IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics》 | 1 |
单词 | 频次 |
model-based | 113 |
design | 44 |
SysML | 23 |
architecture | 22 |
process | 22 |
management | 20 |
requirement | 18 |
UML | 16 |
software | 16 |
SoS | 15 |
simulation | 14 |
analytical models | 13 |
complex | 12 |
tools | 9 |
ontology | 9 |
verification | 8 |
validation | 8 |
security | 8 |
integration | 8 |
object-oriented | 8 |
safety | 7 |
knowledge | 7 |
OPM | 6 |
digital | 6 |
methodology | 6 |
单词 | 频次 | 单词 | 频次 | 单词 | 频次 | 单词 | 频次 | 单词 | 频次 | ||||
the | 2 039 | article | 53 | across | 27 | over | 17 | reduce | 14 | ||||
and | 1 249 | was | 51 | there | 27 | proposes | 17 | called | 14 | ||||
of | 1 197 | s | 51 | program | 27 | focus | 17 | introduced | 14 | ||||
to | 945 | have | 51 | both | 27 | making | 17 | identified | 14 | ||||
a | 799 | use | 50 | within | 27 | objective | 17 | increasingly | 14 | ||||
in | 598 | through | 49 | problem | 27 | large | 17 | assess | 14 | ||||
system | 440 | their | 49 | then | 26 | adoption | 17 | must | 13 | ||||
is | 388 | support | 46 | but | 26 | 1 | 17 | adopted | 13 | ||||
systems | 361 | also | 46 | them | 25 | i | 17 | against | 13 | ||||
for | 360 | results | 45 | many | 25 | solution | 16 | chain | 13 | ||||
this | 323 | were | 44 | developed | 25 | changes | 16 | should | 13 | ||||
that | 239 | each | 42 | demonstrate | 25 | enables | 16 | applications | 13 | ||||
as | 225 | into | 42 | improve | 24 | several | 16 | gaps | 13 | ||||
are | 225 | not | 41 | propose | 24 | review | 16 | 3 | 13 | ||||
with | 212 | approaches | 41 | literature | 24 | enable | 16 | same | 13 | ||||
an | 204 | benefits | 39 | define | 24 | developing | 16 | provided | 13 | ||||
engineering | 203 | two | 38 | present | 24 | found | 16 | fundamental | 13 | ||||
MBSE | 195 | presents | 36 | may | 23 | number | 16 | help | 13 | ||||
on | 184 | work | 35 | first | 23 | community | 16 | base | 13 | ||||
based | 175 | project | 35 | high | 23 | requires | 16 | traditional | 13 | ||||
by | 174 | however | 34 | key | 23 | control | 16 | common | 13 | ||||
we | 160 | well | 34 | example | 22 | including | 16 | recent | 13 | ||||
approach | 148 | current | 33 | they | 22 | practitioners | 16 | up | 13 | ||||
be | 147 | product | 33 | practices | 22 | supported | 16 | associated | 13 | ||||
from | 114 | during | 33 | finally | 22 | overall | 16 | defined | 13 | ||||
can | 110 | practice | 33 | effort | 22 | will | 16 | configurations | 13 | ||||
paper | 109 | our | 33 | theory | 22 | therefore | 15 | relevant | 13 | ||||
research | 105 | human | 32 | implementation | 21 | network | 15 | necessary | 13 | ||||
analysis | 99 | when | 32 | way | 21 | increasing | 15 | implemented | 12 | ||||
used | 96 | critical | 32 | provides | 21 | designers | 15 | given | 12 | ||||
which | 91 | most | 32 | activities | 21 | specifically | 15 | selected | 12 | ||||
using | 85 | application | 32 | better | 20 | being | 15 | make | 12 | ||||
case | 80 | order | 31 | technology | 20 | real | 15 | useful | 12 | ||||
has | 77 | applied | 31 | existing | 20 | aspects | 15 | than | 12 | ||||
SE | 77 | challenges | 31 | behavior | 19 | further | 15 | any | 12 | ||||
these | 72 | set | 31 | three | 19 | describes | 15 | characteristics | 12 | ||||
study | 70 | engineers | 31 | address | 19 | some | 15 | those | 12 | ||||
between | 69 | other | 31 | only | 19 | include | 15 | goal | 12 | ||||
how | 68 | one | 30 | important | 19 | planning | 15 | defense | 12 | ||||
proposed | 68 | future | 30 | conducted | 19 | ability | 15 | nfrs | 12 | ||||
such | 68 | early | 30 | thus | 19 | capabilities | 15 | out | 12 | ||||
at | 62 | presented | 30 | about | 19 | types | 14 | facilitate | 12 | ||||
new | 61 | concepts | 29 | centric | 18 | best | 14 | means | 12 | ||||
it | 61 | techniques | 29 | change | 18 | properties | 14 | attributes | 12 | ||||
or | 57 | show | 29 | 2 | 18 | often | 14 | survey | 12 | ||||
method | 57 | while | 29 | among | 18 | performed | 14 | difficult | 12 | ||||
been | 56 | concept | 28 | required | 18 | designed | 14 | demonstrates | 12 | ||||
different | 56 | studies | 28 | trade | 18 | still | 14 | although | 12 | ||||
more | 55 | all | 28 | projects | 18 | e | 14 | analyses | 12 | ||||
its | 55 | provide | 27 | related | 18 | experience | 14 | - | - |
合并前 | 合并后 | 合并前 | 合并后 | |
design, designs | design | needs, need | need | |
model, models, modeling | model | industry, industrial | industry | |
development, develop | development | stakeholders, stakeholder | stakeholder | |
process, processes | process | assessment, assess | assessment | |
architecture, architectures, architectural, architects | architecture | effective, effectively, effectiveness | effective | |
requirements, requirements | requirement | cost, costs | cost | |
methodology, methodologies, methods | methodology | patterns, pattern | pattern | |
complex complexity | complex | evaluation, evaluate | evaluation | |
level, levels | level | scenarios, scenario | scenario | |
integration, integrated, integrating | integration | standards, standard | standard | |
language, languages | language | efficient, efficiency | efficiency | |
tools, tool | tool | stage, stages | stage | |
domain, domains | domain | operation, operations | operation | |
decision, decisions | decision | - | - |
单词 | 频次 | 单词 | 频次 | 单词 | 频次 | 单词 | 频次 | |||
model | 504 | lifecycle | 41 | functional | 27 | infrastructure | 18 | |||
design | 308 | management | 40 | potential | 26 | thinking | 18 | |||
development | 167 | knowledge | 40 | metrics | 25 | communication | 18 | |||
methodology | 145 | components | 39 | phase | 25 | generation | 18 | |||
architecture | 140 | verification | 39 | digital | 25 | constraints | 18 | |||
process | 139 | specific | 38 | validation | 25 | document | 17 | |||
complex | 132 | industry | 37 | environment | 24 | CPS | 17 | |||
requirement | 116 | safety | 35 | context | 24 | traceability | 17 | |||
framework | 84 | assessment | 34 | state | 24 | utility | 17 | |||
integration | 76 | definition | 34 | value | 24 | function | 17 | |||
SysML | 73 | quality | 34 | operation | 23 | enterprise | 16 | |||
tool | 69 | efficiency | 33 | multiple | 23 | mission | 16 | |||
level | 68 | stakeholder | 33 | test | 23 | capability | 16 | |||
language | 67 | pattern | 33 | structure | 23 | heterogeneous | 16 | |||
simulation | 67 | software | 33 | identify | 21 | interoperability | 16 | |||
effective | 51 | scenario | 30 | physical | 21 | metamodels | 15 | |||
cost | 51 | evaluation | 30 | failure | 20 | optimization | 15 | |||
performance | 50 | stage | 29 | reliability | 20 | dynamic | 14 | |||
information | 50 | standard | 29 | field | 20 | relationships | 14 | |||
SoS | 49 | specification | 29 | technical | 20 | MDD | 14 | |||
domain | 44 | various | 29 | uncertainty | 19 | object | 14 | |||
decision | 43 | formal | 29 | OPM | 19 | ontology | 14 | |||
need | 42 | time | 28 | space | 19 | automated | 14 | |||
conceptual | 41 | elements | 28 | transformation | 19 | quantitative | 13 | |||
data | 41 | operational | 28 | service | 18 | SBD | 13 |
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24 | LU J Z , MA J , ZHENG X , et al. Design ontology supporting model-based systems engineering formalisms[J]. IEEE Systems Journal, 2021, 16 (4): 5465- 5476. |
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29 | 王芳, 叶玲, 彭彪. 基于MBSE的体系设计与仿真验证平台[J]. 自动化与信息工程, 2022, 43 (5): 23- 29. |
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30 | 董晓明, 韩研, 王质松, 等. 基于MBSE的装备作战概念模型化设计[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2022, 17 (5): 314- 322. |
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55 | 李文屏, 白鹤峰, 赵毅, 等. 基于MBSE的卫星通信系统建模与仿真[J]. 天地一体化信息网络, 2021, 2 (1): 69- 74. |
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56 | 金长林, 郝继山, 罗海坤. 系统工程方法论在微系统设计中的应用探索[J]. 电子工艺技术, 2015, 36 (4): 199- 202. |
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