系统工程与电子技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 381-390.doi: 10.12305/j.issn.1001-506X.2024.02.02
• 电子技术 • 上一篇
孙国敏1, 张伟1,2,*, 邵怀宗1, 方旖3, 李鹏飞2
孙国敏(1989—), 女, 助理研究员, 博士, 主要研究方向为辐射源识别基金资助:
Guomin SUN1, Wei ZHANG1,2,*, Huaizong SHAO1, Yi FANG3, Pengfei LI2
全面、准确的电磁数据标注是电磁大数据智能分析的前提和基础。针对战场博弈强对抗条件下电磁感知数据存在的标注率低、标注信息错误冗余等问题, 提出基于张量完备理论的标注补全方案。理论上, 同一场景下的同一目标, 利用不同感知平台观测提取的特征参数(如雷达脉冲参数)是相似(低秩)的, 且在一段观测时间内的测量结果是分段连续光滑的。故跨平台接收的目标数据标注补全可以建模为基于低秩张量完备的特征复原模型, 并引入全变分正则来刻画一段时间内特征参数的分段连续光滑属性。由于模型非凸, 使用基于矩阵最大秩分解的非凸近似算法进行迭代求解。通过仿真数据以及雷达脉冲描述字实侦数据并对模型的性能进行测试。实验结果表明, 所提方法在目标特征标注信息严重缺失的情况下能够很好地实现标注补全, 同时具有一定的标注纠错功能。
孙国敏, 张伟, 邵怀宗, 方旖, 李鹏飞. 基于低秩张量完备的电磁大数据标注补全算法[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2024, 46(2): 381-390.
Guomin SUN, Wei ZHANG, Huaizong SHAO, Yi FANG, Pengfei LI. A low-rank tensor completion based method for electromagnetic big data annotation recovery[J]. Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2024, 46(2): 381-390.
序号 | 列序号 | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
1 | 0.605 63 | 0.562 11 | 0.614 87 | 0.621 79 | 0.621 90 |
2 | 0.607 62 | 0.591 46 | 0.596 92 | 0.624 76 | 0.611 59 |
3 | 0.580 36 | 0.66 73 | 0.608 51 | 0.612 82 | 0.560 10 |
4 | 0.597 56 | 0.616 82 | 0.612 46 | 0.658 91 | 0.576 56 |
5 | 0.599 11 | 0.577 54 | 0.572 07 | 0.613 90 | 0.618 08 |
6 | 0.614 58 | 0.612 74 | 0.609 07 | 0.592 47 | 0.666 69 |
7 | 0.604 17 | 0.602 26 | 0.604 20 | 0.615 27 | 0.638 70 |
8 | 0.661 89 | 0.580 28 | 0.607 95 | 0.595 76 | 0.651 27 |
9 | 0.650 88 | 0.639 17 | 0.651 12 | 0.570 91 | 0.600 10 |
10 | 0.586 72 | 0.659 89 | 0.564 41 | 0.652 66 | 0.561 41 |
序号 | 列序号 | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
1 | 0.605 63 | 0.562 11 | 0 | 0 | 0.621 90 |
2 | 0.607 62 | 0.591 46 | 0.596 92 | 0.624 76 | 0 |
3 | 0.580 36 | 0.667 30 | 0 | 0.612 82 | 0.560 10 |
4 | 0.597 56 | 0.616 82 | 0 | 0.658 91 | 0.576 56 |
5 | 0 | 0.577 54 | 0.572 07 | 0.613 90 | 0 |
6 | 0.614 58 | 0 | 0 | 0.592 47 | 0.666 69 |
7 | 0.604 17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.638 70 |
8 | 0.661 89 | 0.580 28 | 0 | 0.595 76 | 0.651 27 |
9 | 0.650 88 | 0.639 17 | 0.651 12 | 0.570 91 | 0 |
10 | 0.586 72 | 0.659 89 | 0.564 41 | 0.652 66 | 0.561 41 |
序号 | 列序号 | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
1 | 0.605 63 | 0.562 11 | 0.614 87 | 0.621 79 | 0.621 90 |
2 | 0.607 62 | 0.591 46 | 0.596 92 | 0.624 76 | 0.611 59 |
3 | 0.580 36 | 0.667 30 | 0.608 51 | 0.612 82 | 0.560 10 |
4 | 0.597 56 | 0.616 82 | 0.612 46 | 0.658 91 | 0.576 56 |
5 | 0.599 11 | 0.577 54 | 0.572 07 | 0.613 90 | 0.618 08 |
6 | 0.614 58 | 0.612 74 | 0.609 07 | 0.592 47 | 0.666 69 |
7 | 0.604 17 | 0.602 26 | 0.604 20 | 0.615 27 | 0.638 70 |
8 | 0.661 89 | 0.580 28 | 0.607 95 | 0.595 76 | 0.651 27 |
9 | 0.650 88 | 0.639 17 | 0.651 12 | 0.570 91 | 0.600 10 |
10 | 0.586 72 | 0.659 89 | 0.564 41 | 0.652 66 | 0.561 41 |
序号 | 列序号 | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
1 | 0.605 63 | 0.562 11 | 0.594 83 | 0.617 11 | 0.621 90 |
2 | 0.607 62 | 0.591 46 | 0.596 92 | 0.624 76 | 0.611 59 |
3 | 0.580 36 | 0.667 30 | 0.620 17 | 0.612 82 | 0.560 10 |
4 | 0.597 56 | 0.616 82 | 0.609 59 | 0.658 91 | 0.576 56 |
5 | 0.592 87 | 0.577 54 | 0.572 07 | 0.613 90 | 0.604 18 |
6 | 0.614 58 | 0.607 41 | 0.602 28 | 0.592 47 | 0.666 69 |
7 | 0.604 17 | 0.599 34 | 0.611 75 | 0.605 28 | 0.638 70 |
8 | 0.661 89 | 0.580 28 | 0.620 13 | 0.595 76 | 0.651 27 |
9 | 0.650 88 | 0.639 17 | 0.651 12 | 0.570 91 | 0.621 17 |
10 | 0.586 72 | 0.659 89 | 0.564 41 | 0.652 66 | 0.561 41 |
序号 | 列序号 | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
1 | 0.605 63 | 0.562 11 | 0.597 82 | 0.614 41 | 0.621 90 |
2 | 0.607 62 | 0.591 46 | 0.596 92 | 0.624 76 | 0.605 99 |
3 | 0.580 36 | 0.667 30 | 0.625 77 | 0.612 82 | 0.560 10 |
4 | 0.597 56 | 0.616 82 | 0.609 43 | 0.658 91 | 0.576 56 |
5 | 0.601 14 | 0.577 54 | 0.572 07 | 0.613 90 | 0.621 74 |
6 | 0.614 58 | 0.599 37 | 0.609 07 | 0.592 47 | 0.666 69 |
7 | 0.604 17 | 0.601 13 | 0.610 22 | 0.598 72 | 0.638 70 |
8 | 0.661 89 | 0.580 28 | 0.623 37 | 0.595 76 | 0.651 27 |
9 | 0.650 88 | 0.639 17 | 0.651 12 | 0.570 91 | 0.613 67 |
10 | 0.586 72 | 0.659 89 | 0.564 41 | 0.652 66 | 0.561 41 |
序号 | 参数 | ||||
RF | PW | AM | AOA | PRI | |
1 | 0.999 82 | 0.913 79 | 0.866 67 | 0.993 28 | 0 |
2 | 0.999 81 | 0.922 41 | 0.888 89 | 0.995 57 | 0.142 86 |
3 | 0.999 84 | 0.741 38 | 0.911 11 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 86 |
4 | 0.999 86 | 0.775 86 | 0.922 22 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 86 |
5 | 0.999 87 | 0.827 59 | 0.911 11 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 85 |
6 | 0.999 80 | 0.896 55 | 0.922 22 | 0.997 29 | 0.142 85 |
7 | 0.999 83 | 0.913 79 | 0.933 33 | 0.997 29 | 0.142 86 |
8 | 0.999 85 | 0.948 28 | 0.933 33 | 0.997 29 | 0.142 85 |
9 | 0.999 86 | 0.948 28 | 0.944 44 | 0.996 72 | 0.142 86 |
10 | 0.999 87 | 0.818 97 | 0.933 33 | 0.996 72 | 0.142 85 |
11 | 0.999 87 | 0.827 59 | 0.966 67 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 86 |
12 | 0.999 87 | 0.818 97 | 0.966 67 | 0.995 57 | 0.142 86 |
13 | 0.999 81 | 0.887 93 | 0.977 78 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 85 |
14 | 0.999 85 | 0.913 79 | 0.977 78 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 85 |
15 | 0.999 85 | 0.922 41 | 0.988 89 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 86 |
16 | 0.999 86 | 0.931 03 | 0.988 89 | 0.996 72 | 0.142 86 |
17 | 0.999 86 | 0.931 03 | 1 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 86 |
18 | 0.999 87 | 0.827 59 | 0.988 89 | 0.996 72 | 0.142 85 |
19 | 0.998 91 | 0.094 82 | 0.811 11 | 0.993 85 | 0.000 11 |
20 | 0.999 82 | 0.818 97 | 1 | 0.995 57 | 0.142 74 |
序号 | 参数 | ||||
RF | PW | AM | AOA | PRI | |
1 | 0.999 82 | 0.913 79 | 0 | 0.993 28 | 0 |
2 | 0.999 81 | 0 | 0.888 89 | 0.995 57 | 0.142 86 |
3 | 0.999 84 | 0 | 0.911 11 | 0 | 0.142 86 |
4 | 0.999 86 | 0.775 86 | 0 | 0.996 14 | 0 |
5 | 0 | 0.827 59 | 0 | 0.996 14 | 0 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 0.922 22 | 0.997 29 | 0.142 85 |
7 | 0.999 83 | 0.913 79 | 0 | 0 | 0.142 86 |
8 | 0.999 85 | 0.948 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
9 | 0.999 86 | 0.948 28 | 0 | 0 | 0.142 86 |
10 | 0.999 87 | 0.818 97 | 0 | 0.996 72 | 0.142 85 |
11 | 0.999 87 | 0.827 59 | 0.966 67 | 0 | 0.142 86 |
12 | 0.999 87 | 0.818 97 | 0.966 67 | 0 | 0.142 86 |
13 | 0.999 81 | 0.887 93 | 0.977 78 | 0 | 0.142 85 |
14 | 0 | 0.913 79 | 0.977 78 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 85 |
15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.996 14 | 0 |
16 | 0.999 86 | 0.931 03 | 0.988 89 | 0 | 0.142 86 |
17 | 0 | 0.931 03 | 0 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 86 |
18 | 0.999 87 | 0 | 0 | 0.996 72 | 0 |
19 | 0 | 0 | 0.811 11 | 0.993 85 | 0 |
20 | 0 | 0.818 97 | 1 | 0.995 57 | 0.142 74 |
序号 | 参数 | ||||
RF | PW | AM | AOA | PRI | |
1 | 0.999 82 | 0.913 79 | 0.831 90 | 0.993 28 | 0 |
2 | 0.999 81 | 0.719 40 | 0.888 89 | 0.995 57 | 0.142 86 |
3 | 0.999 84 | 0.807 70 | 0.911 11 | 0.871 60 | 0.142 86 |
4 | 0.999 86 | 0.775 86 | 0.874 50 | 0.996 14 | 0.776 40 |
5 | 0.912 00 | 0.827 59 | 0.858 80 | 0.996 14 | 0.731 00 |
6 | 0.890 10 | 0.901 10 | 0.922 22 | 0.997 29 | 0.142 85 |
7 | 0.999 83 | 0.913 79 | 0.928 20 | 0.858 80 | 0.142 86 |
8 | 0.999 85 | 0.948 28 | 0.854 30 | 0.893 40 | 0.765 70 |
9 | 0.999 86 | 0.948 28 | 0.877 90 | 0.866 60 | 0.142 86 |
10 | 0.999 87 | 0.818 97 | 0.832 00 | 0.996 72 | 0.142 85 |
11 | 0.999 87 | 0.827 59 | 0.966 67 | 0.858 10 | 0.142 86 |
12 | 0.999 87 | 0.818 97 | 0.966 67 | 0.893 20 | 0.142 86 |
13 | 0.999 81 | 0.887 93 | 0.977 78 | 0.866 20 | 0.142 85 |
14 | 0.878 80 | 0.913 79 | 0.977 78 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 85 |
15 | 0.844 10 | 0.859 70 | 0.825 40 | 0.996 14 | 0.823 20 |
16 | 0.999 86 | 0.931 03 | 0.988 89 | 0.889 50 | 0.142 86 |
17 | 0.880 70 | 0.931 03 | 0.853 10 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 86 |
18 | 0.999 87 | 0.784 90 | 0.836 10 | 0.996 72 | 0.748 70 |
19 | 0.869 20 | 0.704 20 | 0.811 11 | 0.993 85 | 0.719 20 |
20 | 0.869 50 | 0.818 97 | 1 | 0.995 57 | 0.142 74 |
序号 | 参数 | ||||
RF | PW | AM | AOA | PRI | |
1 | 0.999 82 | 0.913 79 | 0.831 90 | 0.993 28 | 0 |
2 | 0.999 81 | 0.824 90 | 0.888 89 | 0.995 57 | 0.142 86 |
3 | 0.999 84 | 0.779 60 | 0.911 11 | 0.871 60 | 0.142 86 |
4 | 0.999 86 | 0.775 86 | 0.884 70 | 0.996 14 | 0.899 60 |
5 | 0.941 10 | 0.827 59 | 0.869 30 | 0.996 14 | 0.822 90 |
6 | 0.923 70 | 0.837 90 | 0.922 22 | 0.997 29 | 0.142 85 |
7 | 0.999 83 | 0.913 79 | 0.938 40 | 0.858 80 | 0.142 86 |
8 | 0.999 85 | 0.948 28 | 0.955 70 | 0.893 40 | 0.771 90 |
9 | 0.999 86 | 0.948 28 | 0.885 70 | 0.866 60 | 0.142 86 |
10 | 0.999 87 | 0.818 97 | 0.849 20 | 0.996 72 | 0.142 85 |
11 | 0.999 87 | 0.827 59 | 0.966 67 | 0.858 10 | 0.142 86 |
12 | 0.999 87 | 0.818 97 | 0.966 67 | 0.893 20 | 0.142 86 |
13 | 0.999 81 | 0.887 93 | 0.977 78 | 0.866 20 | 0.142 85 |
14 | 0.914 40 | 0.913 79 | 0.977 78 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 85 |
15 | 0.902 50 | 0.882 60 | 0.955 60 | 0.996 14 | 0.663 90 |
16 | 0.999 86 | 0.931 03 | 0.988 89 | 0.889 50 | 0.142 86 |
17 | 0.818 30 | 0.931 03 | 0.831 10 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 86 |
18 | 0.999 87 | 0.839 40 | 0.847 40 | 0.996 72 | 0.414 10 |
19 | 0.827 90 | 0.779 20 | 0.811 11 | 0.993 85 | 0.522 70 |
20 | 0.968 80 | 0.818 97 | 1 | 0.995 57 | 0.142 74 |
序号 | 参数 | ||||
RF | PW | AM | AOA | PRI | |
1 | 0.999 82 | 0.913 79 | 0.831 90 | 0.993 28 | 0 |
2 | 0.999 81 | 0.905 50 | 0.888 89 | 0.995 57 | 0.142 86 |
3 | 0.999 84 | 0.828 90 | 0.911 11 | 0.932 70 | 0.142 86 |
4 | 0.999 86 | 0.775 86 | 0.885 30 | 0.996 14 | 0.414 10 |
5 | 0.939 70 | 0.827 59 | 0.879 30 | 0.996 14 | 0.446 70 |
6 | 0.889 70 | 0.912 80 | 0.922 22 | 0.997 29 | 0.142 85 |
7 | 0.999 83 | 0.913 79 | 0.885 70 | 0.905 50 | 0.142 86 |
8 | 0.999 85 | 0.948 28 | 0.942 80 | 0.931 40 | 0.155 90 |
9 | 0.999 86 | 0.948 28 | 0.937 40 | 0.932 70 | 0.142 86 |
10 | 0.999 87 | 0.818 97 | 0.932 20 | 0.996 72 | 0.142 85 |
11 | 0.999 87 | 0.827 59 | 0.966 67 | 0.967 90 | 0.142 86 |
12 | 0.999 87 | 0.818 97 | 0.966 67 | 0.966 40 | 0.142 86 |
13 | 0.999 81 | 0.887 93 | 0.977 78 | 0.988 30 | 0.142 85 |
14 | 0.899 30 | 0.913 79 | 0.977 78 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 85 |
15 | 0.899 10 | 0.904 40 | 0.954 70 | 0.996 14 | 0.298 30 |
16 | 0.999 86 | 0.931 03 | 0.988 89 | 0.991 00 | 0.142 86 |
17 | 0.871 20 | 0.931 03 | 0.944 60 | 0.996 14 | 0.142 86 |
18 | 0.999 87 | 0.855 90 | 0.820 30 | 0.996 72 | 0.473 10 |
19 | 0.903 30 | 0.872 60 | 0.811 11 | 0.993 85 | 0.442 60 |
20 | 0.882 40 | 0.818 97 | 1 | 0.995 57 | 0.142 74 |
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