系统工程与电子技术 ›› 2021, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 420-433.doi: 10.12305/j.issn.1001-506X.2021.02.17
高昂1(), 董志明1,*(), 李亮1(), 宋敬华1(), 段莉2()
Ang GAO1(), Zhiming DONG1,*(), Liang LI1(), Jinghua SONG1(), Li DUAN2()
Zhiming DONG
多智能体深度确定性策略梯度(multi-agent deep deterministic policy gradient, MADDPG)算法是深度强化学习方法在多智能体系统(multi-agent system, MAS)领域的重要运用,为提升算法性能,提出基于并行优先经验回放机制的MADDPG算法。分析算法框架及训练方法,针对算法集中式训练、分布式执行的特点,采用并行方法完成经验回放池数据采样,并在采样过程中引入优先回放机制,实现经验数据并行流动、数据处理模型并行工作、经验数据优先回放。分别在OpenAI多智能体对抗、合作两类典型环境中,从训练轮数、训练时间两个维度对改进算法进行了对比验证,结果表明,并行优先经验回放机制的引入使得算法性能提升明显。
高昂, 董志明, 李亮, 宋敬华, 段莉. MADDPG算法并行优先经验回放机制[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2021, 43(2): 420-433.
Ang GAO, Zhiming DONG, Liang LI, Jinghua SONG, Li DUAN. Parallel priority experience replay mechanism of MADDPG algorithm[J]. Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2021, 43(2): 420-433.
算法胜率对比 | 训练轮数 | ||||
4 501~4 600 | 4 601~4 700 | 4 701~4 800 | 4 801~4 900 | 4 901~5 000 | |
(PPER-MADDPG, PER-MADDPG) | (0.97, 0.02) | (0.96, 0.03) | (0.94, 0.01) | (0.96, 0.01) | (0.94, 0.02) |
(PPER-MADDPG, P-MADDPG) | (0.97, 0.00) | (0.96, 0.01) | (0.95, 0.01) | (0.97, 0.00) | (0.96, 0.01) |
(PPER-MADDPG, MADDPG) | (0.96, 0.01) | (0.97, 0.01) | (0.97, 0.00) | (0.96, 0.00) | (0.94, 0.01) |
(PPER-MADDPG, DDPG) | (0.96, 0.02) | (0.97, 0.01) | (0.93, 0.04) | (0.95, 0.04) | (0.96, 0.02) |
算法对比 | 训练轮数 | ||||
4 501~4 600 | 4 601~4 700 | 4 701~4 800 | 4 801~4 900 | 4 901~5 000 | |
PPER-MADDPG | (-0.23, 0.16) | (-0.24, 0.07) | (-0.29, 0.16) | (-0.24, 0.07) | (-0.23, 0.05) |
PER-MADDPG | (-0.29, 0.27) | (-0.25, 0.09) | (-0.24, 0.07) | (-0.24, 0.07) | (-0.27, 0.16) |
P-MADDPG | (-0.59, 0.73) | (-0.72, 0.73) | (-0.81, 0.78) | (-0.52, 0.50) | (-0.62, 0.70) |
MADDPG | (-0.63, 0.74) | (-0.76, 0.74) | (-0.85, 0.79) | (-0.56, 0.50) | (-0.66, 0.71) |
DDPG | (-0.22, 0.07) | (-0.24, 0.09) | (-0.28, 0.14) | (-0.28, 0.09) | (-0.26, 0.07) |
算法对比 | 训练时间/h | ||||
75~76 | 76~77 | 77~78 | 78~79 | 79~80 | |
PPER-MADDPG | (-0.29, 0.11) | (-0.26, 0.14) | (-0.24, 0.19) | (-0.22, 0.08) | (-0.24, 0.04) |
PER-MADDPG | (-0.27, 0.34) | (-0.31, 0.20) | (-0.26, 0.10) | (-0.25, 0.09) | (-0.25, 0.08) |
P-MADDPG | (-0.98, 0.91) | (-0.55, 0.50) | (-0.59, 0.63) | (-0.69, 0.75) | (-0.41, 0.38) |
MADDPG | (-0.82, 0.84) | (-0.71, 0.62) | (-0.95, 0.88) | (-0.57, 0.49) | (-0.61, 0.77) |
DDPG | (-0.25, 0.09) | (-0.25, 0.09) | (-0.41, 0.08) | (-0.61, 0.17) | (-0.26, 0.07) |
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