系统工程与电子技术 ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 557-567.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2020.03.008
刘佩1(), 贾建1,2,*(
), 陈莉1(
), 安影1(
Pei LIU1(), Jian JIA1,2,*(
), Li CHEN1(
), Ying AN1(
Jian JIA
Supported by:
为了在缓解阶梯效应的同时更好地保留去噪后图像的细节信息,提出一种基于增强高阶非凸全变分(higher order non-convex total variation, HONTV)模型的图像去噪算法。该算法将每一次去噪后的图像和原始图像取平均作为增强HONTV模型下一次循环的输入并更新参数,然后采用增广拉格朗日乘子法和交替方向乘子法进行循环求解,经过多次迭代,最终得到的去噪图像包含较多的细节信息。在基于全变分的图像去噪方法中,对添加不同标准差大小的高斯白噪声的测试图像和视频进行实验。实验结果表明,所提算法在视觉性能和客观评价指标方面均优于对比算法。
刘佩, 贾建, 陈莉, 安影. 基于增强高阶非凸全变分模型的图像去噪算法[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2020, 42(3): 557-567.
Pei LIU, Jian JIA, Li CHEN, Ying AN. Image denoising algorithm based on boosting high order non-convex total variation model[J]. Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2020, 42(3): 557-567.
加入噪声标准差为20的视频foreman 20帧的去噪结果对比"
帧数 | SBATV | PATV | OGSTV | HONTV | 本文算法 |
86 | 28.63/0.853 | 28.90/0.853 | 28.89/0.834 | 29.32/0.876 | 29.50/0.877 |
50 | 28.63/0.857 | 29.35/0.857 | 29.09/0.824 | 29.74/0.878 | 29.86/0.882 |
49 | 28.68/0.853 | 29.40/0.859 | 29.10/0.827 | 29.59/0.876 | 29.86/0.880 |
53 | 28.59/0.855 | 29.26/0.858 | 29.02/0.835 | 29.44/0.874 | 29.80/0.881 |
4 | 29.09/0.865 | 29.75/0.866 | 29.35/0.830 | 29.80/0.885 | 30.19/0.888 |
18 | 28.68/0.859 | 29.05/0.860 | 28.87/0.832 | 29.48/0.878 | 29.65/0.880 |
28 | 28.47/0.858 | 29.14/0.861 | 28.84/0.835 | 29.42/0.879 | 29.87/0.883 |
54 | 28.74/0.858 | 29.10/0.856 | 28.99/0.824 | 29.38/0.875 | 29.65/0.878 |
58 | 28.39/0.853 | 29.00/0.862 | 28.71/0.831 | 29.43/0.875 | 29.54/0.878 |
23 | 28.56/0.856 | 29.05/0.859 | 28.83/0.826 | 29.44/0.879 | 29.68/0.882 |
25 | 28.61/0.858 | 29.06/0.862 | 28.85/0.830 | 29.51/0.881 | 29.55/0.882 |
24 | 28.53/0.859 | 29.04/0.859 | 28.89/0.828 | 29.62/0.883 | 29.67/0.883 |
88 | 28.57/0.857 | 28.99/0.855 | 28.89/0.839 | 29.37/0.882 | 29.54/0.880 |
5 | 29.22/0.866 | 29.58/0.859 | 29.27/0.831 | 29.72/0.881 | 30.05/0.882 |
31 | 28.68/0.860 | 29.27/0.865 | 28.73/0.826 | 29.24/0.876 | 29.77/0.885 |
36 | 28.67/0.850 | 29.28/0.858 | 28.83/0.820 | 29.49/0.876 | 29.76/0.877 |
15 | 28.76/0.865 | 29.26/0.863 | 28.83/0.829 | 29.50/0.880 | 29.86/0.884 |
37 | 28.62/0.852 | 29.36/0.859 | 29.01/0.824 | 29.39/0.873 | 29.61/0.876 |
74 | 29.12/0.857 | 29.71/0.861 | 29.49/0.825 | 29.72/0.877 | 30.05/0.882 |
89 | 28.74/0.860 | 29.07/0.859 | 28.96/0.835 | 29.51/0.875 | 29.65/0.879 |
平均值 | 28.69/0.857 | 29.23/0.859 | 28.97/0.829 | 29.50/0.878 | 29.75/0.880 |
加入噪声标准差为50的视频foreman 20帧的去噪结果对比"
帧数 | SBATV | PATV | OGSTV | HONTV | 本文算法 |
70 | 25.10/0.731 | 25.23/0.732 | 25.14/0.726 | 25.23/0.754 | 25.33/0.763 |
87 | 24.24/0.721 | 24.54/0.717 | 24.61/0.725 | 24.67/0.742 | 24.60/0.753 |
47 | 24.90/0.744 | 24.80/0.737 | 24.73/0.723 | 24.98/0.749 | 25.05/0.760 |
79 | 25.05/0.733 | 24.99/0.713 | 24.76/0.715 | 24.96/0.741 | 25.19/0.755 |
90 | 24.67/0.740 | 24.65/0.721 | 24.76/0.731 | 24.94/0.748 | 24.84/0.757 |
85 | 24.63/0.726 | 24.57/0.719 | 24.49/0.714 | 24.57/0.738 | 24.52/0.736 |
94 | 25.12/0.737 | 24.89/0.729 | 24.92/0.723 | 24.73/0.750 | 25.04/0.754 |
30 | 24.60/0.744 | 24.73/0.744 | 24.69/0.715 | 24.65/0.753 | 24.95/0.764 |
39 | 24.76/0.751 | 24.85/0.740 | 24.77/0.733 | 24.81/0.740 | 24.69/0.755 |
26 | 24.61/0.746 | 24.85/0.740 | 24.44/0.728 | 24.65/0.751 | 24.94/0.770 |
41 | 24.95/0.752 | 24.86/0.740 | 24.96/0.735 | 24.82/0.744 | 25.15/0.763 |
81 | 24.64/0.720 | 24.88/0.821 | 24.88/0.716 | 24.86/0.745 | 24.97/0.750 |
42 | 25.10/0.749 | 24.89/0.736 | 24.91/0.726 | 24.91/0.747 | 25.15/0.763 |
54 | 24.54/0.725 | 24.50/0.726 | 24.53/0.723 | 24.62/0.741 | 24.69/0.743 |
10 | 24.89/0.738 | 24.78/0.734 | 24.84/0.731 | 24.93/0.756 | 25.14/0.766 |
51 | 24.74/0.735 | 25.03/0.730 | 24.77/0.725 | 24.89/0.749 | 25.13/0.759 |
34 | 24.81/0.735 | 24.72/0.742 | 24.53/0.724 | 24.76/0.746 | 24.84/0.751 |
18 | 24.63/0.735 | 24.73/0.743 | 24.63/0.726 | 24.74/0.739 | 24.66/0.748 |
55 | 24.40/0.727 | 24.50/0.728 | 24.43/0.718 | 24.65/0.737 | 24.86/0.752 |
4 | 24.90/0.747 | 24.88/0.738 | 24.87/0.726 | 24.87/0.743 | 25.06/0.757 |
平均值 | 24.78/0.738 | 24.85/0.731 | 24.70/0.724 | 24.81/0.746 | 24.98/0.755 |
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