系统工程与电子技术 ›› 2019, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (9): 2080-2086.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2019.09.22

• 制导、导航与控制 • 上一篇    下一篇


蒋瑞民1, 周军1, 郭建国1, 赵斌1, 仝云2   

  1. 1. 西北工业大学精确制导与控制研究所, 陕西 西安 710072; 
    2. 上海航天技术研究院机电工程研究所, 上海 200233

  • 出版日期:2019-08-27 发布日期:2019-08-20

Robust variance control for BTT missile based on disturbance estimation

JIANG Ruimin1, ZHOU Jun1, GUO Jianguo1, ZHAO Bin1, TONG Yun2   

  1. 1. Institute of Precision Guidance and Control, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China; 
    2. Shanghai Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Academy ofSpaceflight Technology, Shanghai 200233, China

  • Online:2019-08-27 Published:2019-08-20

摘要: 针对存在非线性和不确定性的倾斜转弯(bank-to-turn, BTT)导弹姿态控制问题,提出基于干扰估计的鲁棒方差控制方法。将姿态运动中非线性项和不确定项作为总干扰,采用干扰观测器进行估计,并引入控制系统进行补偿。干扰观测器的观测误差作为BTT导弹姿态运动的干扰输入,为了保证控制系统具有良好的动态和稳态性能,采用鲁棒方差控制理论设计了线性反馈控制器,将闭环极点配置在特定圆盘区域,同时将状态变量的稳态方差保持在给定的范围内。仿真结果表明,所提出的鲁棒方差姿态控制器能够保证良好的控制效果,鲁棒性强。

关键词: 鲁棒方差控制, 非线性干扰观测器, 倾斜转弯导弹, 不确定性


A robust variance controller based on disturbance estimation is proposed for bank-to-turn (BTT) missile attitude control with the characteristics of nonlinearity and disturbances. The nonlinearity and uncertainty in attitude motion  are considered as the total disturbance which is estimated by the designed nonlinear disturbance observer. The estimated value of the disturbance is introduced into the control system for compensation. The observation error of the disturbance observer is introduced into the linear attitude motion model of the BTT missile as the new disturbance input. Then a linear feedback controller is designed by the robust variance control theory. The controller configures the closed-loop poles in a specific disc area while maintaining the steady-state variance of the state variables within a given range, which ensures good dynamic and steady-state characteristics of the system. The simulation results show that the robust variance attitude controller proposed guarantees good control performance and robustness in the presence of uncertainties.

Key words: robust variance control, nonlinear disturbance observer, bank-to-turn (BTT) missile, uncertainties