系统工程与电子技术 ›› 2019, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (7): 1450-1458.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2019.07.03

• 电子技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


JIANG Jiawei1, WU Yanhong1, WANG Hongyan1, WU Xiangyu2   

  1. 1. 航天工程大学电子与光学工程系, 北京 101416; 2. 北京空间信息中继传输技术研究中心, 北京 100094
  • 出版日期:2019-06-28 发布日期:2019-07-05

Intermittent sampling repeater jamming based on multiple hases sectionalized modulation

降佳伟1, 吴彦鸿1, 王宏艳1, 吴翔宇2#br#


  1. 1.Department of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Space Engineering University, Beijing 101416, China;
    2. Beijing Space Information Relay and Transmission Technology Center, Beijing 100094, China
  • Online:2019-06-28 Published:2019-07-05

摘要: 针对间歇采样转发干扰范围有限以及干扰具有规律性的问题,提出一种基于多相位分段调制(multiple phases sectionalized modulation,MPSM)的间歇采样转发干扰方法。该方法首先对信号间歇采样,然后对每段信号调制不同的相位,之后放大转发出去。通过控制间歇采样参数和调制相位情况,能够产生多个位置和范围可控的压制式干扰区域,有效扩展了间歇采样转发干扰范围,并且削弱了干扰的规律性。在此基础上,针对MPSM干扰中干扰效果与调制相位关系难以推导的问题,提出一种基于遗传算法的优化方法,解决了无法得到最优干扰效果的问题。理论分析和仿真实验证明了干扰方法的可行性和有效性。

关键词: 间歇采样转发干扰, 多相位分段调制, 脉冲压缩, 压制式干扰, 遗传算法

Abstract: Aiming at the problem of limited jamming range and regularity of intermittent sampling repeater jamming, a method of intermittent sampling repeater jamming based on multiple phases sectionalized modulation (MPSM) is proposed. First, the signal is sampled intermittently, then each section of signal is modulated with different phases, and then the signal is amplified and transmitted. By controlling the intermittent sampling parameters and modulation phase, a number of compression jamming regions with controllable positions and ranges can be generated, which effectively expands the range of intermittent sampling repeater jamming and weakens the regularity of intermittent sampling repeater jamming. On this basis, aiming at the problem that the relationship between jamming effect and modulation phase is difficult to deduce in MPSM jamming, an optimization method based on genetic algorithm is proposed to solve the problem which can obtain the optimal jamming effect and parameters. Theoretical analysis and simulation experiments prove the feasibility and effectiveness of the jamming method.

Key words: intermittent sampling repeater jamming, multiple phases sectionalized modulation (MPSM), pulse compression, suppression jamming, genetic algorithm