
• 制导、导航与控制 • 上一篇    下一篇


杜肖1, 鲁天宇1,2, 夏群利1   

  1. 1. 北京理工大学宇航学院, 北京 100081; 2. 北京理工大学机电学院, 北京 100081
  • 出版日期:2017-03-23 发布日期:2010-01-03

Research of disturbance rejection effect performance of the phased array seeker with platform for air-to-air missile

DU Xiao1, LU Tianyu1,2, XIA Qunli1   

  1. 1. School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
    2. School of Mechatronical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
  • Online:2017-03-23 Published:2010-01-03




In order to meet a hard demand for aircraft about the disturbance rejection effect (DRE) when tracking the target with great maneuver by using the phased array seeker. The phased array seeker with platform (PASP) is put forward firstly to avoid the severely constraint for the seeker. Then the mathematic model of the PASP are established. And the feedforward compensation method is used to complete the rate decoupling. By taking two methods of platform rate feedforwd into consideration, two basic PASP seeker structures are proposed. Based on that, the transfer function model of the platform phased array seeker of these two structures is established to study the design procedures and performance as well as research. In addition, the parasitic loop in guidance loop which is induced by the PASP DRE is established and the property is analyzed for PASP tracking loop and guidance loop design integration. And the research indicates that the PASP has a better performance than any other kind of seeker in tracking rapidly target and can improve the guidance precision effectively.