• 传感器与信号处理 • 上一篇 下一篇
侯育星, 邢孟道, 陈士超, 冯大政
HOU Yu-xing, XING Meng-dao, CHEN Shi-chao, FENG Da-zheng
针对运动误差较大并且存在相位误差模糊的情况,提出了一种结合对比度法解模糊的稳健多孔径图像偏置(multiple aperture mapdrift, MAM)算法,在场景不存在特显点条件下仍然可以取得较好的聚焦效果。该算法对特显点依赖低,利用多个不重叠的子孔径采用对比度法解模糊估计高阶相位误差,估计误差结果精度高。此外,该算法计算过程简单,有效提高了运算效率。最后通过仿真实验和实测数据处理验证了算法的有效性与可行性,取得了良好的效果。
To overcome the ambiguity of large phase error induced by motion error, a robust algorithm of multiple aperture mapdrift(MAM) incorporating the contrast method is proposed. Specifically, it can promise high-quality focused image even in the case of dominant scatters absence. In the scheme, the modified MAM method takes advantage of non-overlap subapertures by using the contrast method to resolve the phase error ambiguity. In sequence, it is capable of providing precision estimation for high order phase error. In addition, the robust MAM method can reduce the computation complexity to promote the efficiency. Finally, the simulations and the result of real data processing confirm the validation of the proposed algorithm.
侯育星, 邢孟道, 陈士超, 冯大政. 稳健多子孔径图像偏移的SAR自聚焦算法[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2014.09.10.
HOU Yu-xing, XING Meng-dao, CHEN Shi-chao, FENG Da-zheng. Robust autofocus algorithm of multiple subaperture mapdrift in SAR[J]. Systems Engineering and Electronics, doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2014.09.10.
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