Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ›› 2011, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 438-442.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2011.02.41

• 软件、算法与仿真 • 上一篇    下一篇


赵文哲, 秦世引   

  1. 北京航空航天大学自动化科学与电气工程学院, 北京 100191
  • 出版日期:2011-02-28 发布日期:2010-01-03

Chromatic image classification and recognition based on interest point features

ZHAO Wen-zhe, QIN Shi-yin   

  1. School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
  • Online:2011-02-28 Published:2010-01-03




The color scaleinvariant feature transform (color SIFT) based feature extraction method is proposed, and the related invariance properties in translation, rotation, zooming, and color shifting are analyzed. Further, image classification strategy and algorithms based on this feature are studied. To test the proposed classification and recognition algorithms, 50 objects categories randomly chosen from the Amsterdam library of object images (ALOI) are employed for recognition, and results show that the correct rate of recognition is 100%. Both theoretical and experimental results validate that the color SIFT feature has a good performance in chromatic image classification and recognition.
