系统工程与电子技术 ›› 2025, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (1): 307-315.doi: 10.12305/j.issn.1001-506X.2025.01.31

• 通信与网络 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘柳1,2, 刘田2, 李洋3, 潘文生3, 张琰1,*   

  1. 1. 西安电子科技大学通信工程学院, 陕西 西安 710071
    2. 中国电子科技集团公司第十研究所, 四川 成都 610036
    3. 电子科技大学通信抗干扰全国重点实验室, 四川 成都 611731
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-09 出版日期:2025-01-21 发布日期:2025-01-25
  • 通讯作者: 张琰
  • 作者简介:刘柳 (1990—), 女, 工程师, 博士研究生, 主要研究方向为测控通信
    刘田 (1981—), 男, 研究员, 博士, 主要研究方向为测控通信
    李洋 (1999—), 男, 硕士研究生, 主要研究方向阵列天线、全双工射频干扰抑制
    潘文生 (1975—), 男, 副研究员, 博士, 主要研究方向为6G通信、射频线性化、全双工
    张琰(1983—), 男, 教授, 博士, 主要研究方向为通信与信息系统、无线自组通信
  • 基金资助:

Radio frequency self-interference suppression technology for phased array networking tracking telemetering and command relay with co-frequency

Liu LIU1,2, Tian LIU2, Yang LI3, Wensheng PAN3, Yan ZHANG1,*   

  1. 1. School of Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China
    2. The 10th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Chengdu 610036, China
    3. National Key Laboratory of Wireless Communications, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China
  • Received:2023-11-09 Online:2025-01-21 Published:2025-01-25
  • Contact: Yan ZHANG


针对相控阵同频中继节点在测控网络系统中自干扰问题, 分析收发天线阵列分离情况下的自干扰信号特性。针对接收阵列天线合成后自干扰的特性, 提出一种阵射频自干扰抑制方法。该方法根据阵面的布局以及不同规模子阵内自干扰信号的时延扩展, 将一定时延扩展范围内的所有阵元等效为一个阵元, 从而降低射频干扰抑制的分析复杂度。理论分析和仿真实验结果表明, 射频干扰抑制技术在阵列天线中仍然能够实现自干扰抑制, 性能与抽头个数强相关, 且每个抽头的时延、相位以及幅度的范围选取与子阵划分相关。针对256阵元发射阵面和256阵元接收阵面的场景, 仿真对比不同抽头数下的自干扰抑制性能。仿真结果表明, 采用16个抽头对载波频率为26.8 GHz, 带宽为200 MHz的自干扰信号抑制能力大于47 dB; 实际测试结果表明, 采用16个抽头进行自干扰射频重建, 自干扰抑制能力大于32 dB。

关键词: 相控阵, 组网测控, 中继节点, 同频中继, 射频自干扰抑制


Aiming at the self interference problem of phased array co-frequency relay nodes in measurement and control network systems, the characteristics of self-interference signals under the condition of separated transmitting and receiving antenna arrays is analyzed. Focusing on the self-interference properties after the synthesis of the receiving array antenna, a radio frequency self-interference suppression method is proposed. This method, based on the array layout and the time delay spread of self-interference signals within different-sized subarrays, equates all array elements within a certain time delay spread range into a single element, thereby reducing the analytical complexity of radio frequency interference suppression. Both theoretical analysis and simulation experiments demonstrate that radio frequency interference suppression techniques can still achieve self-interference suppression in array antennas, with performance strongly correlated to the number of taps. The selection of each tap's delay, phase, and amplitude range is dependent on the subarray partitioning. For a scenario with a 256-element transmitting array and a 256-element receiving array, simulations comparing self-interference suppression performance under different tap counts reveal that employing 16 taps can suppress self-interference signals with a carrier frequency of 26.8 GHz and a bandwidth of 200 MHz by more than 47 dB. Practical test results indicate that using 16 taps for self-interference radio frequency reconstruction achieves a self-interference suppression capability exceeding 32 dB.

Key words: phased array, networking tracking telemetering and command, relay node, co-frequency relay, radio frequency self-interference suppression
